Diamond's - Slovakia 🇸🇰

Mystery Coffee

🇧🇷 Brazil Sitio Vargem Grande

Farmer: Renato Barroso de Assumpcao
Region: Minas Geiras
Variety: Red Catuai
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 1300
Tasting notes: mandarin, nutmeg, caramel
Harvest: 2022

About the coffee and farm:

The farm is located in the city of Lambari in the Mantiqueira de Minas coffee region of Sul de Minas. Sitio Vargem Grande is a farm that has been producing amazingly complex coffees, investing in many different fermentation techniques and drying methods to explore the potential of their farm.

This particular lot went through a natural processing. In November 2022, this coffee was selected 4th best in Natural Category at Brazilian competition called NossoCafé
Yara 2022.

Tasting notes from the Coffeemind's Flavour Wheel are mandarin, nutmeg and caramel.

Coffee of the Month

🇺🇬 Uganda Mt. Elgon Strato Berry

Variety: SL14, SL28, Catimor
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 1700 m.a.s.l.
Tasting notes: blueberries, banana, chocolate, strawberry
Harvest: March 2022