For this reveal let's hear from the people which processed our August coffee:

๐ต๐ฆ Panama Lost Origin
Lot: CHEV_TYPI_062_098
Farm: Chevas Coffee Estate
Region: Boquete, Chiriqui
Variety: Typica
Processing: Inoculated Washed
Altitude: 1650 - 1700 masl
Tasting notes: plum, pear, maple sirup
About the coffee from Paul:
This is the final lot we bought from Lost Origin, the processing lab in Panama City. To explain the coffee, the best description comes from Franz himself:
"This is a very unique lot for us, one in which we let our imagination as former brewers take the main stage. For this unique lot we decided to inoculate depulped Typica with Helio Gazer yeast, a strain of yeast largely popular on the Craft Brewing scene for its ability to produce thiol compounds, responsible for highly aromatic beers. To support thiol compounds 5 pounds of Cascade hops were added to the fermentation along with 2 litres of fresh Wort from the brewery. Fermentation was carried out for 6 days, starting at 18 degrees Celsius and dropping to 15 degrees Celsius towards the end. Parchment was then dried for 14 days until reaching 9% humidity."
It is an amazing opportunity to work with Franz and the team at Lost Origin as they continue to experiment, push the boundaries and prepare interesting, unique and outstanding coffee.
To this, for MCL, I'll add that we chose this coffee for a couple of different reasons.
1) It is a link to my trip to Panama in March, and the relationship I have with Franz and Lost Origin. I love what he is doing, the coffee is incredible and am excited about both the future of what they do and as they grow, what they achieve. Plus, also, my personal interest in post-harvest processing by a third party and whether this will 'catch on'.
2) It is a massive challenge. It's interesting and complex, some may even say divisive. It will attract a wide range of answers due to its layered profile and also not displaying classic characteristics of a region or process.


The winners of our July round is Blue Tonic with 16 points (country of origin tie-breaker). Followed by Pizzaburn, EricS, kekstee and Eugene with 16 points.
TOP3 of the August 2024 round:
1. Blue Tonic - 16 points
2. Pizzaburn, EricS, kekstee, Eugene - 16 points
TOP3 of Q3 2024:
1. Eugene - 38 points
2. Edu - 36 points
3. Raul - 35 points
In terms of season standings, Edu is leading with 122 points. Followed by Jarg with 122 points and Angelrf with also 120 points.
TOP3 of 2024 Season:
1. Jarg89 - 122 points
2. Edu - 122 points
3. Angelrf - 120 points
Roaster's line-up for the next few month months:
AUGUST 24 - Special Guests from London ๐ฌ๐ง
SEPTEMBER 24 - Nero Scuro ๐ฎ๐น
NOVEMBER 24 - Datura from Paris ๐ซ๐ท
DECEMBER 24 - Banibeans from Ljubljana ๐ธ๐ฎ plus guest roaster from ๐บ๐ธ (shipped as one bundle by Bani)
JANUARY 25 - Kawa from Paris ๐ซ๐ท
Mystery Coffee League is sponsored by Acaia, Option-O, April, Graycano and Kruve. Thanks for supporting us!
Thanks for the pics Herman!