The first Mystery Coffee of 2024 comes from Best of Panama winning farm, Carmen Estate.

🇵🇦 Panama Carmen Estate
Region: Chiriqui, Panama
Variety: Geisha
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 1700 masl
Tasting notes: mandarin, raspberry, jasmine
Harvest: Spring 2024

About the farm:
The Franceschi family immigrated to Panama in 1800 from their home in Corsica, France. In Panama, they were involved in multiple enterprises, including cattle ranching, farming and ship building. In 1950, Carmen Franceschi suggested to her husband, Efrain, that they start a coffee plantation. They named the plantation Carmen Estate in honor of Carmen Franceschi’s insightful suggestion.
It was love at first sight and the Franceschi’s have continued to be involved in coffee production since that fateful suggestion. Today, the farm is operated by the third generation of coffee-farming Franceschis and Carlos Aguilera Franceschi is the farm’s managing director. Carmen Estate is now owned by Dashang Group of Dalian, China.
Geisha grows particularly well in the high altitudes and ideal conditions of Panama and this lot is no exception. The region’s microclimate creates the perfect environment for growing floral, nuanced Geisha and we’re delighted to offer this exquisite lot.
Coffee is grown under shade, where the cooler temperatures help grow sweet, dense cherry.
Carmen Estate is focused on high quality beans. They produce only a few tons of coffee each year. They currently hold the Best of Panama record for Washed Geisha with the score of 96.50 points.
About the processing:
Natural cherries are selectively hand picked and laid on raised beds to sun dry. Workers rake them frequently as they dry to ensure even drying and remove any damaged beans by hand.


Congratulations to Robbo_123, Khers, and Moo for winning the December round! Each of them scored 23 points.
TOP3 of January round:
1. sebo_m - 30 points
2. KAPS - 28 points
3. R - 27.95 pointsWe also have a new game for 2025 season - the Coffee Guesser. Our members need to select the exact location of Mystery Coffee farm on the map. Whoever is the closest, is winning a free Mystery Coffee bag in the following month! Our first ever winner is Andreas with 3.05km target distance difference.
Roaster's line-up for the next few months:
FEBRUARY 25 - Rozali from Berlin, Germany
MARCH 25 - Kaffeelix from St. Polten, Austria
Mystery Coffee League is sponsored by Acaia, Option-O, April, Graycano and Kruve. Thanks for supporting us!
Thanks for the pics Herman!