September Mystery Coffee was definitely unique. 126 club members decided to face the challenge and submit their guess which is our new record. We also have over 200 people now in the 2023 season standings! But now it's time to learn all the details about the Shokunin MC!

🇲🇲 Myanmar Ho Hwayt
Producer: Ho Hwayt
Region: Hopong
Variety: Field Blend - Catuai, Caturra, Catimor, S795, Bourbon & Other
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 1140 masl
Tasting notes: almond, green apple, caramel
Harvest: 2023
About the coffee:
Farmers in this village replant every year and, as they do so, they also expand their coffee farm, and add more trees. Generally, women pick cherries and man do the processing in the drying facilities.
Sun dried natural process: Cherries are hand picked by Hopong community members in the early hours of the day. Once collection is finished, members delivers cherries to Hopong drying stations. On delivery, cherries are screened and handpicked to about 95% cherry ripeness level. Fully ripe cherries are then placed on raised beds. Slow drying is a priority and drying times range between 13-17 days depending on weather conditions. All lots are separated by day and all members’ deliveries are fully traceable.
About the farm:
Ho Hwayt was founded by shan indigenous people around 200 years ago and has since proven great resistance towards many pressing issues. In 2012, many farmers in this village had their entire poppy plantations burnt by the Myanmar police. Migration to Thailand is a recurrent choice amongst villagers. This year in Ho Hwayt, for instance, one farmer fled to Thailand, in search of better opportunities. Located at the heart of the valley that surrounds the mountain, and near the water, they also grow cheroot trees, avocado, turmeric, and corn.
About the selection:
This month was not coordinated.


Only 4 people were right about country of origin this month. Congrats to erbse, Paul.Hedonii, bikepop and Pizzaburn!
TOP3 of September 2023 round:
1. hubocanovamartina - 23 points
2. Dawid - 23 points
3. KafCafQaf - 21 points
Time to giveaway some prizes! Acaia Lunar goes to erbse with 56 points in Q3. Set of Kruve glasses goes to Raul with and ACME voucher goes to Julian with the DE1. Congrats!
TOP3 of Q3 2023:
1. erbse - 56 points
2. Raul - 50 points
3. Julian with the DE1 - 47 points
Sami is leading the 2023 MCL Season with 153 points. Followed by Jarg89 and Raul with 149 and 143 points respectively. Say hello to Raul in TOP3!
TOP3 of 2023 Season:
1. Sami - 153 points
2. Jarg89 - 149 points
3. Raul - 143 points
In October, we have our first ever Italian Roaster of the Month. Today we started pre-orders for the Mystery Coffee. More details on our Discord or here. It's the start of the new quarter, so perfect time to join MCL and have a clean sheet for winning the prizes!
Reminder about our monthly giveaway of the Mystery Coffee and Coffee of the Month which is going to start soon on Discord. Make sure to check Discord for more details.
Roaster's line-up for the next three months:
OCTOBER 23 - Nero Scuro from San Giuseppe 🇮🇹
NOVEMBER 23 - Special Guests from London🇬🇧
DECEMBER 23 - Mystery Coffee Advent Calendar
Mystery Coffee League is sponsored by Acaia, 1zpresso, Kruve and ACME.
You can join Mystery Coffee League at anytime! Just join our Discord and feel free to ask any questions!

Thanks to Herman for beautiful pics!