Schön Kaffee - Germany 🇩🇪
Mystery Coffee
🇨🇴 Colombia Manfred Hiller
Region: Genova, Quindío
Variety: Wush Wush
Processing: Anaerobic Washed
Altitude: 1700 - 1800 masl
Tasting notes: green apple, lime, mandarin
Harvest: 2022
About the coffee:
Manfred Hiller is a Colombian with German mother. His first experience with coffee was back in 1972 when his dad bought the first coffee farm. Unfortunately, after his father died, he had to sell the farm back in 1992. Ironically his first specialty coffee experience was in Switzerland, at that time he was working for a big company. After trying 5 different varieties from Colombia, he knew he wanted to explore this amazing world.
In 2015 he decides to buy a coffee farm in Genova, Quindío and focused since day one on having specialty coffee. The farm has 34ha, from those 9.2 % of the farm area represent a natural forest with native trees. Seven different varieties are planted. All seeds acquired from trustful farm origins. Today almost 60% of coffee plantation is shaded with native trees. Their main goal is to move to regenerative farming.
About the selection:
This month was coordinated by Matt (erbse).
Last year's Mystery from Schön was a decent Pink Bourbon from Colombia, and we all agreed that it was a prime example of a PB and thoroughly enjoyed it. But of course, it was something widely available, and as such, it was not the hardest coffee to guess.
That's why, for the return of Schön, Daniel and I wanted to showcase something special. We explored several options and came to the conclusion that only coffees from Colombia would turn up in time, and most other origins would only slowly turn up in the following weeks.
Daniel found several viable options, including an absurdly expensive Colombian Gesha, a pricey Sudan Rume from Costa Rica of unknown quality, and several fruit-fermented coffees. We finally narrowed it down to two coffees from a rather small producer in Colombia. One was a Gesha and Daniel actually liked its sample roast a tiny bit more. You voted it COTM. The other one was a Wush Wush and instantly got me excited because it was the chance for many of us to try Wush Wush for the first time, for an easy-going price, and without being biased. I really didn't need much convincing, and I hope you all enjoyed the coffee as much as I did.
Coffee of the Month
🇨🇴 Colombia Andaluz
Region: Huila
Variety: Gesha
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1800+ masl
Tasting notes: peach, floral, jasmine
Harvest: 2022